In 'Blindspot' Season 1, episode 4 “Bone May Rot,” Agent Reade notices Agent Zapata talking to a mysterious man and assumes it's Zapata's new boyfriend. Near the end of the episode, the mystery man suddenly pops up out of nowhere and confronts Zapata in the evening. It is revealed through Zapata's phone that the man's name is Randy and he has been trying to get a hold of her throughout the episode, but Zapata ignored his phone calls.
Zapata tells...
'Chicago P.D.' - Cheap Character Death?
The first season of NBC's new TV show premiered on January 8th, 2014 and gave the audience shocking surprises to reel them in. One of them included an important character getting killed.
'The Blacklist' - Tom Keen Can't Hide Anymore
In season 1, episode 16 and 17, Tom Keen made some huge mistakes that will cost him dearly. What did he do?
'Nikita' Season 4 - Are 6 Episodes Enough for a Conclusion?
It has been confirmed that season 4 will be a six-episode mini-season that will conclude the show entirely. See what Maggie Q and executive producer Craig Silverstein has to say about it.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
'Blindspot' Season 1 Ep 4: Zapata's Gambling Problems, Crossover With 'The Player'?
Saturday, October 17, 2015
'Chicago P.D.' Season 3 Ep 3: Mouse Following in Voight's Footsteps?
Saturday, October 17, 2015
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In 'Chicago P.D.' Season 3, episode 3 “Actual Physical Violence,” Sergeant Voight called Mouse into his office after the hostage situation and kidnapped girls case were resolved. Voight congratulated Mouse on the good work he did and Mouse said that Frazier wasn't a killer, just a desperate man.
Voight then said that he stared down the barrel of Frazier's gun when Frazier took Mouse hostage. He felt it was odd because when Mouse turned in that gun...
Saturday, October 10, 2015
'Chicago P.D.' Season 3 Ep 3: Mouse is Taken Hostage
Saturday, October 10, 2015
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In the promo for 'Chicago P.D.' Season 3, episode 3 “Actual Physical Violence,” Mouse is taken hostage right in front of Sergeant Platt's desk area by a man who is trying to get attention regarding an issue. Poor Mouse. Hopefully, he does not get hurt.
Fans don't always expect any harm will come to the smart tech characters who are usually in the comfort of their office or in a safe and secure environment (like the Chicago Police Department building)....
Sunday, October 04, 2015
'Chicago P.D.' Season 3 Ep 1: Lindsay Returns Too Soon?
Sunday, October 04, 2015
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In the Season 2 finale of NBC's "Chicago P.D." TV series, Detective Erin Lindsay decided to quit the Intelligence Unit. After the death of her friend Nadia, Lindsay blamed herself for getting Nadia killed. The guilt had become too unbearable to the point where she began drinking excessively, doing drugs, and getting to work late. She even spent time with her mother again... Yes, the same mother we have seen since Season 1 who has been a very bad...