'Chicago P.D.' - Cheap Character Death?

The first season of NBC's new TV show premiered on January 8th, 2014 and gave the audience shocking surprises to reel them in. One of them included an important character getting killed.

'The Blacklist' - Tom Keen Can't Hide Anymore

In season 1, episode 16 and 17, Tom Keen made some huge mistakes that will cost him dearly. What did he do?

'Nikita' Season 4 - Are 6 Episodes Enough for a Conclusion?

It has been confirmed that season 4 will be a six-episode mini-season that will conclude the show entirely. See what Maggie Q and executive producer Craig Silverstein has to say about it.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

'Blindspot' Season 1 Ep 4: Zapata's Gambling Problems, Crossover With 'The Player'?

In 'Blindspot' Season 1, episode 4 “Bone May Rot,” Agent Reade notices Agent Zapata talking to a mysterious man and assumes it's Zapata's new boyfriend. Near the end of the episode, the mystery man suddenly pops up out of nowhere and confronts Zapata in the evening. It is revealed through Zapata's phone that the man's name is Randy and he has been trying to get a hold of her throughout the episode, but Zapata ignored his phone calls.

Zapata tells Randy that she was going to contact him after she got out of the subway and asks him why he is following her. Randy said that if she picked up her phone, he wouldn't have to chase her down. Zapata already knows what Randy wants and says that she will pay him as soon as she can.

Randy lets Zapata know that the Jets (probably the New York Jets football team) lost, so she owes him 40 Gs (40 grand) now. Zapata wants to go again, double or nothing. Randy says no and wants his money. He gives her three days.

I bet that Zapata won't be able to fork over $40,000 in time and Randy will resort to threatening her family. Perhaps Reade will find out and get Agent Weller and Jane to help. Or maybe Alex Kane from NBC's 'The Player' will show up in town looking for Randy because he himself owes money to some very wealthy people. Maybe these wealthy people gamble on crime and place their bets on Kane to stop the new crime that is Randy not paying his debts on time.

A crossover between 'Blindspot' and 'The Player' would be amazing and would reunite the actors who play Agent Weller and Alex Kane who previously worked together in the action military series 'Strike Back.'

'Chicago P.D.' Season 3 Ep 3: Mouse Following in Voight's Footsteps?

In 'Chicago P.D.' Season 3, episode 3 “Actual Physical Violence,” Sergeant Voight called Mouse into his office after the hostage situation and kidnapped girls case were resolved. Voight congratulated Mouse on the good work he did and Mouse said that Frazier wasn't a killer, just a desperate man.

Voight then said that he stared down the barrel of Frazier's gun when Frazier took Mouse hostage. He felt it was odd because when Mouse turned in that gun to evidence, it was unloaded. No bullets were in the magazine. That reduces Frazier's charge to reckless endangerment.

When asked if Mouse saw Frazier load or unload the weapon, Mouse replied, "No, Sergeant. It must have been empty the whole time." Voight then told him to go ahead and reflect that in his write-up even though it obviously wasn't the truth. He knew that Mouse meant well because Frazier only resorted to desperate measures (taking Mouse hostage) to get the police to pay attention to him and start looking for his missing daughter because he really cares about her.

What Mouse did to reduce Frazier's charge, although in good faith, was illegal because he tampered with evidence. That is the sort of thing that Voight would do. Voight's style of serving justice is unconventional and not by the rules, but he usually means well. Shades of Voight are reflected in most members of the Intelligence Unit in some way. Mouse is the most recent member to follow in Voight's footsteps.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

'Chicago P.D.' Season 3 Ep 3: Mouse is Taken Hostage

In the promo for 'Chicago P.D.' Season 3, episode 3 “Actual Physical Violence,” Mouse is taken hostage right in front of Sergeant Platt's desk area by a man who is trying to get attention regarding an issue. Poor Mouse. Hopefully, he does not get hurt.

Fans don't always expect any harm will come to the smart tech characters who are usually in the comfort of their office or in a safe and secure environment (like the Chicago Police Department building). Mouse's predecessor, Sheldon Jin, was murdered in Season 1 and that was bad enough. I am starting to wonder if the "Tech and Surveillance Expert" position in the Intelligence Unit is cursed.

It would be nice for Mouse to be in the Intelligence Unit for a long time. Replacing the tech expert for the third time would be ridiculous. His character should be permanent. Perhaps, he could slowly evolve into more than just the "computer guy" as the 'Chicago P.D." show progresses over time.

Sunday, October 04, 2015

'Chicago P.D.' Season 3 Ep 1: Lindsay Returns Too Soon?

In the Season 2 finale of NBC's "Chicago P.D." TV series, Detective Erin Lindsay decided to quit the Intelligence Unit. After the death of her friend Nadia, Lindsay blamed herself for getting Nadia killed. The guilt had become too unbearable to the point where she began drinking excessively, doing drugs, and getting to work late. She even spent time with her mother again... Yes, the same mother we have seen since Season 1 who has been a very bad influence on her. Sergeant Voight tried talking some sense into her, but was unable to get Lindsay to snap out of her self-destructive behavior. Lindsay's life had spiraled downward and all hope for her seemed to be lost. In the last scene, she turned in her badge and Voight reluctantly took it after his last attempt at talking to her.

In the Season 3 premiere (Episode 1 "Life Is Fluid"), the story picked up right where it left off. Lindsay was still doing nothing with her life besides drinking and partying. She was also still spending time with her mother. It had possibly been weeks or a few months after Lindsay had quit the Intelligence Unit. Even after Halstead confronted her, things did not change. Later in the episode, Detective Olinsky called Lindsay to let her know that Halstead had been kidnapped. Suddenly, Lindsay turned her life around and came back to help Intelligence. Voight was against this as he was still furious and upset with her, but he ultimately let her help and gave her badge back temporarily for the day.

At the end of the episode, Halstead was rescued successfully. Even though Voight said Lindsay could only have the badge for that day, Lindsay wanted to come back to the team permanently. Voight agreed to let her rejoin the team, but only if she severed all ties with her mother and she has to live with Voight and take drug tests.

The idea of Lindsay coming back to Intelligence on a permanent basis within one episode seemed too soon. Lindsay's struggle to turn her life around and get back into Intelligence could have lasted longer. The story arc was treated as a much bigger deal compared to the other story arc when Lindsay left the team for a new position in the DEA Task Force. Lindsay could have gotten into some very serious trouble and experience other situations in her life before finally returning to the team yet AGAIN for the second time. This would have allowed for more character development for the other characters as well. Burgess could have been Lindsay's replacement a little longer and struggle a bit in filling Lindsay's shoes while Officer Roman could have been dealing with a new partner that isn't as good as Burgess. The team as a whole would have struggled a bit without Lindsay.